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Results for "author_first: "Joanna", author_last: "Macy""
World As Lover, World As Self Joanna Macy challenges us to revere endangered species and empathize with their plight.
Pass It On John Seed's invocation requesting the presence of the spirit of Gaia to be with us.
Active Hope Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone on the helping hand of grace.
Active Hope Hope presented as an antidote to the spiritual emergencies of our time.
Pass It On Five encounters with people and groups enacting the "Great Turning" that is taking place during our challenging times.
World As Lover, World As Self Spiritual practices for activists working for global justice and ecological renewal.
Widening Circles Joanna Macy on cultural disconnection from our environment.
World As Lover, World As Self Joanna Macy on our connections to people of the past, present, and future.
Widening Circles A memoir that reveals the author's synthesis of spirituality and social activism.
Coming Back to Life Invaluable sourcebook for spiritual activists who want to practice compassion and loving action in an anguished world.